Tuesday, June 30, 2009

just some random garbage

ok Maryn, I'm taking your advice and writing a poem. So here we go, let's hope this is good. This will be called

"The Scary German Shephard That Almost Ate Me."
I'm walking to the home of my friend Jake
I didn't know how long the journey would take
so to go faster I started to jog
and that's when I saw that sick dog
maybe he thought I looked kinda yummy
or maybe it just had an empty tummy
it got off of it's little towel
and started to growl
i thought, maybe we could sit down for a nice glass of tea
and that's when he began running quickly after me
I felt sick as if I would hurl
so I ran away screaming like a little girl
anyways, that was probably the quickest one I've ever written, hooray for me.
Oh great story for you guys, so a little while ago, me and like 5 other friends are walking up a street back to my house, and one tries to be all cool and funny and rings some crazy dudes door, so we see him running and a porch light turn on, so we all dive into the bushes and I SEE HIM LET HIS TWO DOGS OUT! So we pretty much run for dear life, and I turn around and see him running after us too! So we turn the corner and hide in someone's backyard. A couple minutes later I see his truck circling the neighborhood and right then I'm like, "K were dead if we stay here so lets go say sorry." Right then I see the K9 unit police truck drive up the street. " Crap." just as if things couldn't get more worse, the dude's wife is sitting in front of the opening in the backyard that we would take to get home. So as we're sitting there I see the cops search light turn on and searching the backyard for us. Luckily we're hiding under these people's RV. My friend Richie is waiting and timing it for us to run across the street to another backyard. once we get there we're about to ge behind a car when I see the crazy dude's headlights on us, and we all just drop the the ground so fast. I thought for sure he saw me, but thank goodness he didn't. After that we are going through everyone's backyard around the neighborhood till we get back to my house. It took us about an hour and half till we were safely back in my basement. So how about that for a night that was just supposed to be us buying candy and going back to my house, that turns into 5 kids being chased by a crazy guy, his wife, and a cop with a dog. Richie claims to have seen another cop driving around but I never saw it. But who knows, we could have had two cops after us. ya just felt like sharing that with you guys.
Oh and one more thing, i discovered a really good song called "So Obvious" i think? by Runner Runner. good stuff but anyway have a jolly summer guys. even though it's like halfway over

Friday, May 1, 2009


All righty then. Well my favorite band came to concert last weekend. It was pretty much the best concert I've been to (probably tied with the BoysLikeGirls one but anyway). But really quick, the first band to open-sucked. sorry for the language but they were awful. I can't remember what they were called... uhh Avonlee? I think. Something like that. Don't even worry about it, really quick though, if you know what the heck an avonlee is or who it is please tell me. Anyways second was This Is Anfield. They were good. The lead singer kept cracking me up. Then The Record Life played, again another good one, then Jimmy Robbins, ehh so, so. But uh.. Making April was pretty darn amazing. I strongly recommend going and seeing them. If you've never heard of them, wow you're missin out. so that pretty much sums that up. Just felt like sharing my concerting experience with you.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Ten Things That Bug Me About Junior High

10. Spinich in the Drinking Fountain (I don't know how it happened)

9. Band Aids on the Drinking Fountain Nozzle (should've examined it before I took a drink)

8. Tests (i gotta remember to study)

7. Teacher's Humor (just stick to teaching)

6. Lockers (it's not that helpful if your door falls off every other time you try to open it)

5. Seventh Graders (you guys really aren't that cool)

4. Ninth Graders (Please, just bug your own friends and get on with your lives)

3. Lunch Food (Dear Administration, food bought off ebay does not pass USDA regulations)

2. Bratty cheerleaders (you're not that special because you can put your leg up abnormally high)


1. Drama (it just makes me laugh how people make the biggest deal out of things. I mean really, it was just a piece of cheese)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another very sad day

CHELSEA FC 0 Manchester United 3

Yeah so I'm pretty ticked off right now that United pretty much kicked the living crap out of Chelsea. It was a well fought game by both sides, but United came out on top (like way on top). Oh well, there's always next time. I'm just glad Ronaldo didn't score. I think I need to pick new teams to like, cause it's not going to well for me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I would just like to let everyone know that Chelsea FC plays their main rival Manchester United this Sunday! So watch it dang it!!! Except you United fans, your hearts will be broken. KEEP THE BLUE FLAG FLYING HIGH!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A sad day

Last Saturday was a sad day for me, the cougs, and all other BYU fans. Yes I know I'm pretty late on posting this but I was too busy in my room, crying and hating all Ute fans. So anyway, Max Hall, just wanted to let you know I really, very dislike you now and am really hoping you play better in the Vegas Bowl- heck I could play better than you did last Saturday. jeez. Anyways, to all you Ute fans, UTAH IS GOING TO GET THEIR TRASH KICKED IN

THE (insert BCS bowl game name here) BOWL!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

3 stupid boys

so uh a really have no clue what the fruitbag to write right now so uh.... I will just tell you some somewhat cool stuff that happened this week. On Wednesday after school I went to soccer, came home, ate dinner, texted, ate more, texted more, ate a twinki, watched TV, got on the computer and- well you probably couldn't give a decongestant about my twinki and texting habits so I will just get down to the nitty gritty. On Thursday I was hanging out with my bud because we didn't have school (UEA[Utah Edjucation Association {convention}]) so my friend Jake and I went up into the mountains and there is a swing that goes over a huge 20 foot drop-off so if you're stupid enough to go on it just know if you fall off your going to hurt something. Anyway so after swinging for a while, I tried jumping onto the swing from a big rock but missed the swing so I was hanging on for dear life over the drop-off, but on the way back my knee hit this rock sticking out of the ground and it didn't feel like a good back rub. I was screaming my head off, Jake was laughing at how i missed the swing and my sister was at work serving food to people. After about ten minutes my knee was so swollen it looked like a swollen knee. Moving on to another incident, on the way back down from the mountain, we were on a really steep part so Jake decides to be really dumb and jump to see how far he can go, but, his legs weren't far enough in front of him so he pretty much face plants and I hear him yell a naughty word so I look up and see his legs in the air above his body, so I get back at him by laughing at him, but then he just lays there in pain so I decide to be a good samaritan and ask him if he was okay, but he hurt his buttocks really bad so we were both dying of pain on the way back down. And now for the last and best story of the night. After Jake and I got down from the mountain we got my friend Spencer and went to my house, then to Jake's. At about 10:30 PM we decided to go doorbell ditching (yes, yes we are very immature, shut up). So as we were running down the sidewalk, Spencer hits this metal pipe sticking out of the ground, so he yells to me "Alex I'm bleeding," so I whip out my phone and use it to see what his leg looked like. When I saw it, it didn't even look real, it had cut through all the skin and muscle so you could see his leg bone and this gross looking tube in his leg. The weird thing was Spencer wasn't crying or yelling or anything, he was just ticked and mad that he couldn't play football. When we got back to Jake's house spencer was going into shock and turning cold. By the time his parents got there to take him to the ER, he was laughing his head off at all of our expressions (Jake and I looked like we were going to puke, Jake's parents looked as if they just saw a dude in a walrus suit running in the middle of the freeway). Anyway the moral is if you're going to be rebellious, just remember you're going to get hurt. Bad. Yep it wasn't that exciting of a night and you're all probably really bored and don't want to continue on reading the rest of my posts.

PS. Spencer, now you fit in with Jake and I in the "Ow something on my body hurts club" but ours are nowhere near as bad as yours.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Okay, so finally I have been able try out these bad boys. I'm going to keep this short. They were brilliant. The touch was great, the comfort was nice, they were very light, and you can kick that ball pretty dang far with these puppies. So all I have to say is; Amazing.

And now this is right this second my latest shoe I have. Now , you're probably thinking, "Man, this kid gets new shoes every week." Not true. These were a gift from my uncle. Thank you uncle. But anyway, unfortunately I can't use these at the time, due to the indoor soccer season, which is due to a little bit of snow on the ground. Hey for Utah, ten inches isn't a lot! Anyways so I can't give you a review of my boots because I haven't used them, but don't worry I will get to that sometime. Oh but as for the fit, they feel very nice :)

And now for the most recent boot I've gotten; the Adidas Profi Liga. This shoe is amazing I must say. First off it is very light and isn't made of all that synthetic crap so it fits to your foot quite nicely and provides a nice, clean strike. Second off for $125 it seems like a great deal. It's made of leather and is such a nice boot. The only problem I have is that when I used it when the grass was wet, some of the silver on the front of the shoe came off (yes mine are silver unlike the one in the picture).

So just recently I bought a new pair of cleats, The Umbro Revolution X. This cleat is amazing! It's light, you can strike the ball so hard and so accurately. So if your looking for some new cleats I definitely recommend these. They do run a little wider than the Adidas cleats and most of the Nike cleats. Another cleat I recommend is the Puma v1.08, v5.o8, and.... well pretty much all the Puma's that start with V. This shoe is really light and feels like you're not wearing a shoe, it is made of really thin material, and you get a more accurate stike. Also note that if you get stepped on while wearing these Puma's, you will feel a great deal of pain.

Moving on to another cleat I had. The Nike Total Ninety Laser. This cleat was good for me because it was wide, really snug, you can chip the ball and get a lot of power with them. One problem is, it tears easily and the studs wear down pretty fast. And when they say "Put it where you want it", in my opinion, they're kinda lying. When you kick the ball, you can control which side of the goal it goes, but after the that, the shoe kinda controls where the ball goes and not you. Maybe I just stink at soccer and can't kick the ball like you professionals out there, but in my opinion there is nothing really special about this cleat.

Moving on to another pair of amazing cleats, The Nike Murcurial SL (super light). You may have seen these fancy boots on Christiano Ronaldo and Didier Drogba's feet. These boots are made of carbon fiber and weigh about 6.5 ounces and cost about $400. These cleats are so special that you can pretty much only find them online at big, famous soccer websites, such as World Soccer Shop, or Eurosport.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

This is my campaign video. I hate it, but... yeah. Special thanks to my cousin Mckelle for being the old lady and the thief, Jorgen for being the girl, Jensen for filming and kicking a ball, and Ali for driving the car and pushing the brake, not the gas and taking my life.

My Movie Critiquing

My top ten favorite movies: not in most favorite to lesser favorite order. "Goal!" and "She's the Man" are the two favorites.
School of Rock (Jack Black is Hilarious)

50 First Dates

The Dark Knight

She's the Man (Hilarious)

Goal! The Dream Begins (Best Movie Ever!)

Nacho Libre

The Longest Yard

The Italian Job

(Charlize Theron is a babe. Just sayin)

The Benchwarmers (another hilarious one)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

So I just watched some new movie's this past week and some older ones a lot and here's what I think about them.

Last Wednesday I saw the "Dark Knight". Everyone's been saying "This is the best movie I have ever seen", or "I have to see it or I will cry." I would agree with some of you that I really wanted to see it. This actually was a pretty good movie. It was full of action, the Joker was hilarious, some parts just scared the pants off me and it kept me on the edge of my seat for pretty much the whole movie. But when the movie ended I was a little disappointed. Not to say the movie wasn't good, but I didn't think it was as good as everybody was saying. Sorry to those who have seen and say it's now their favorite movie and to those who really want to see and read this and now don't want to, IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE, and it's totally worth it and everyone should see it. Christian Bale does a fantastic job of being Batman, and Heath Ledger was amazing at the Joker! I would give this movie 4 stars.

Moving on to another movie that just came out on video- "Vantage Point".

This movie was good too. This movie is about the president getting shot during counter- terrorism summit with some Arabian guy. But what's cool is a sectret service guy (Dennis Quaid), one of the people watching and filming the summit(Forest Whitaker) and some other people I don't feel like naming all see the shooter in different vantage points. So it shows what all these people are doing before the shooting, and what they do after the President is shot.

This movie is really cool, has great acting, and very different from other movie's. But one problem is it's kinda repetative, but this movie is still great and I would recommend it to everyone. except if your younger than 11 or 12 cause it's kinda violent and has brief strong language. I would give it 3 1/2 stars.

Then just last night I watched "One Missed Call". (came out on video very recently too) This was probably one of the worst movie's I've ever seen in my life. A: story is completely stupid, since when does your phone call you and tell you when you will die and what your last words will be? B: It wasn't even scary, yeah some parts made me jump, but the whole time I was thinking, "when's it going to get scary?" And C: The acting was pretty sorry. I could only count one good actor and I think she was in for like 3 seconds and didn't talk. I would give this movie 1 star.

My Top Ten Favorite Soccer Players (no particular order)

ME- just kidding I'm not that kinda person

Peter Cech

Ashley Cole



Lukas Podolski

{ What a hottie =) }

Frank Lampard

John Terry

Steven Gerrard

Joe Cole

Bastien Schweinsteiger

Friday, July 25, 2008

my top ten

Favorite songs (no particular order)

1. Coffee shop Soundtrack/ All Time Low

2. City and the Ghost / Bedlight for Blue Eyes

3. The Beach/ All Time Low

4. Chase You Down/ Making April

5. Roses and Butterflies/ Making April

6. Runaway World/ Making April

7. Michael/ Bedlight for Blue Eyes

8. Safe But Sorry/ Making April

9. These are the Nights/ Making April

10. My Darkest Hour/ Scary Kids Scaring Kids

Scary but funny incident on market street

So just a few weeks ago I'm in San Fransisco. I was walking down this busy street, my parents were a ways up from me, and this hobo lady, I mean- "economically challenged human", comes up to me and says, "Hey, why don't you put enough money in this box so i can get to the island, PUNK?! There were two things running through my mind at the moment, "Please don't mug me", and what island!! We're in San Fransisco! After that I sorta bolted it and ran to my parents who were laughing their heads off. "What kind of parents are you, Letting your son get assaulted by an economically challenged person?!"


BIENVENIDOS!!!!! hi, welcome to my very first blog "vienna sausages". Please forgive the naming of the random meat or whatever. anyways enjoy my blog and please comment. THANKS!