Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Movie Critiquing

My top ten favorite movies: not in most favorite to lesser favorite order. "Goal!" and "She's the Man" are the two favorites.
School of Rock (Jack Black is Hilarious)

50 First Dates

The Dark Knight

She's the Man (Hilarious)

Goal! The Dream Begins (Best Movie Ever!)

Nacho Libre

The Longest Yard

The Italian Job

(Charlize Theron is a babe. Just sayin)

The Benchwarmers (another hilarious one)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

So I just watched some new movie's this past week and some older ones a lot and here's what I think about them.

Last Wednesday I saw the "Dark Knight". Everyone's been saying "This is the best movie I have ever seen", or "I have to see it or I will cry." I would agree with some of you that I really wanted to see it. This actually was a pretty good movie. It was full of action, the Joker was hilarious, some parts just scared the pants off me and it kept me on the edge of my seat for pretty much the whole movie. But when the movie ended I was a little disappointed. Not to say the movie wasn't good, but I didn't think it was as good as everybody was saying. Sorry to those who have seen and say it's now their favorite movie and to those who really want to see and read this and now don't want to, IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE, and it's totally worth it and everyone should see it. Christian Bale does a fantastic job of being Batman, and Heath Ledger was amazing at the Joker! I would give this movie 4 stars.

Moving on to another movie that just came out on video- "Vantage Point".

This movie was good too. This movie is about the president getting shot during counter- terrorism summit with some Arabian guy. But what's cool is a sectret service guy (Dennis Quaid), one of the people watching and filming the summit(Forest Whitaker) and some other people I don't feel like naming all see the shooter in different vantage points. So it shows what all these people are doing before the shooting, and what they do after the President is shot.

This movie is really cool, has great acting, and very different from other movie's. But one problem is it's kinda repetative, but this movie is still great and I would recommend it to everyone. except if your younger than 11 or 12 cause it's kinda violent and has brief strong language. I would give it 3 1/2 stars.

Then just last night I watched "One Missed Call". (came out on video very recently too) This was probably one of the worst movie's I've ever seen in my life. A: story is completely stupid, since when does your phone call you and tell you when you will die and what your last words will be? B: It wasn't even scary, yeah some parts made me jump, but the whole time I was thinking, "when's it going to get scary?" And C: The acting was pretty sorry. I could only count one good actor and I think she was in for like 3 seconds and didn't talk. I would give this movie 1 star.


Anonymous said...

yeah vantage point was a really good movie! have u seen any other good movies lately?

Alex said...

um... I saw Taken last weekend. Very nice. all i can say is, that would be tight if the main dude was my dad

Anonymous said...

hmm..what's it about?
lol nice

Alex said...

a girl getting kidnapped and her dad getting ticked so he goes to find her and beat the living crap out of the girls who took her.

Anonymous said...

oh wow! was it good?

Alex said...

just downright excellent

Anonymous said...
