Monday, October 20, 2008

3 stupid boys

so uh a really have no clue what the fruitbag to write right now so uh.... I will just tell you some somewhat cool stuff that happened this week. On Wednesday after school I went to soccer, came home, ate dinner, texted, ate more, texted more, ate a twinki, watched TV, got on the computer and- well you probably couldn't give a decongestant about my twinki and texting habits so I will just get down to the nitty gritty. On Thursday I was hanging out with my bud because we didn't have school (UEA[Utah Edjucation Association {convention}]) so my friend Jake and I went up into the mountains and there is a swing that goes over a huge 20 foot drop-off so if you're stupid enough to go on it just know if you fall off your going to hurt something. Anyway so after swinging for a while, I tried jumping onto the swing from a big rock but missed the swing so I was hanging on for dear life over the drop-off, but on the way back my knee hit this rock sticking out of the ground and it didn't feel like a good back rub. I was screaming my head off, Jake was laughing at how i missed the swing and my sister was at work serving food to people. After about ten minutes my knee was so swollen it looked like a swollen knee. Moving on to another incident, on the way back down from the mountain, we were on a really steep part so Jake decides to be really dumb and jump to see how far he can go, but, his legs weren't far enough in front of him so he pretty much face plants and I hear him yell a naughty word so I look up and see his legs in the air above his body, so I get back at him by laughing at him, but then he just lays there in pain so I decide to be a good samaritan and ask him if he was okay, but he hurt his buttocks really bad so we were both dying of pain on the way back down. And now for the last and best story of the night. After Jake and I got down from the mountain we got my friend Spencer and went to my house, then to Jake's. At about 10:30 PM we decided to go doorbell ditching (yes, yes we are very immature, shut up). So as we were running down the sidewalk, Spencer hits this metal pipe sticking out of the ground, so he yells to me "Alex I'm bleeding," so I whip out my phone and use it to see what his leg looked like. When I saw it, it didn't even look real, it had cut through all the skin and muscle so you could see his leg bone and this gross looking tube in his leg. The weird thing was Spencer wasn't crying or yelling or anything, he was just ticked and mad that he couldn't play football. When we got back to Jake's house spencer was going into shock and turning cold. By the time his parents got there to take him to the ER, he was laughing his head off at all of our expressions (Jake and I looked like we were going to puke, Jake's parents looked as if they just saw a dude in a walrus suit running in the middle of the freeway). Anyway the moral is if you're going to be rebellious, just remember you're going to get hurt. Bad. Yep it wasn't that exciting of a night and you're all probably really bored and don't want to continue on reading the rest of my posts.

PS. Spencer, now you fit in with Jake and I in the "Ow something on my body hurts club" but ours are nowhere near as bad as yours.